African Lions, Leopards, and Mountain Lions
Mounted by Reimond Grignon
After I mounted this lion I had the opportunity to keep this animal my small museum for quite a while. The children that came just loved this mount.
This beautiful animal became the focal point of attention of all the children that visit. The kids really appreciated being able to view these animals up close!
I like to make my cats expressive and life like in every detail! The mounts are very impressive and look truly alive.
The mountain lion above is a large male lion. He is one of a number of mountain lions I have done. I know of several motels, and a school that has my mountain lion mounts in them, plus of course various hunters. I love doing cats and making them look completely life like. The base here and the rocks are all made by me. It takes a lot of time to do a piece of work like this.
I know a really good guide and outfitter if you wish to go mountain lion hunting.
Realism. That's what I strive for. You can see it in the eyes of this mount. Look at the eyes above. Don't they look alive! And using the tanning I use, they will still look like this 40 years from now. Need proof. Just come to my shop and I'll show you proof.
The mountain lion is known by over 100 different names. They are called
puma, panther, painter, king cat, mountain screamer, catamount, mountain
devil and many others.
These large powerful cats are over seven feet long and are the largest cats found in the United States. They usually weigh between 150 and 200 pounds, although heavier ones have been taken.
lions like to eat meat and will kill a deer every seven to ten days. An
adult mountain cannot exist on rabbits and other small game exclusively
although they too will be taken when the opportunity presents itself.
I like to put as much detail into cat mounts as possible as you can see from these photos of my mounts. The cat above shows every wrinkle in its skin, just as it would be on the live animal.
There is much debate over whether there are mountain lions in Maine. A number of them have been claimed to be seen in recent years, but the Maine Fish and Wildlife Department states there are are no such cats in Maine. Of course they said the same thing about the Canadian Lynx not being in Maine and it is now know that we have those here. In fact, several Canadian lynx have radio collars on them and are being monitored closely. As for the mountain lion in Maine, the proof has not yet presented itself. These cats like all cats are very elusive, shy animals and do not present many opportunities to be seen.