A Sampling of Game Heads
Mounted by Reimond Grignon
This page is a sampling of various game head mounts I've done over the years. There are other pages devoted to various game animals and head mounts. For example you will find lots more bears on the Bear Close Up page, the or Deer on the Deer Close up page for example... There are hundreds of photos of my work on this site, which is only a small sampling of the work I do. No way can I put pictures of all of even my largest deer heads for example as there are just too many that I do each year.
Moose Mounted by Reimond Grignon
Moose head mounts are quite commonly done in Maine at the present time. Maine is one of the few states that has a resident population of moose. Too many moose in fact. Every year the state issues more permits for hunters to take a moose. Still the moose population is growing and are becoming a menace on the highways with many moose auto accidents happening every year. The cars never win and people get killed all the time. The animals just cannot be seen after dark even with headlights on!
This laborer is making moose forms to mount tanned moose capes on. It
is a long process to create a moose head mount. The forms are made by
pouring liquid foam into a fiberglass mold. The liquid foam expands and
hardens. When the moose form is ready it is taken out of the fiberglass
mold and then the moose forms are cleaned, wire brushed and made ready
to receive the capes. In order to get around child labor laws, I have had to get married and have children. This is my son Christopher.
Elk, Sheep and Antelope Mounted by Reimond Grignon
The beautiful mountain goat and the bighorn sheep below are examples of the wonderful western game heads I have mounted. Hides to be made into mounts are shipped to this studio from all over the United States.
Bear Heads Mounted by Reimond Grignon
bear are very common in Maine. The population of bear in Maine is constantly
growing. In some places they are becoming a nuisance.
Black bears are a vary wary animal. They can prowl through the woods absolutely silently and are seldom seen by the average hunter. The only real way to take a bear is over bait. This is the way most bear in Maine are taken. Bait hunting in Maine is very tightly regulated with strict laws. Some bear are hunted with dogs, but the bear kill with dogs is actually quite small compared with the total harvest each year.
African Game Heads mounted by Reimond Grignon
African animals can be very difficult to properly mount. These animals are not handled the same as North American wildlife. The skins are totally different and it takes a lot of experience to mount these animals. You can tell by looking at the pictures how absolutely real these animals look.
Sable and Hartebeest mounts by Reimond Grignon
The sable is one of the most beautiful animals created by God. They have wonderful horns which can grow way out over their back. This animal is a rare trophy with a really large set of horns.
The Hartebeest below is another wonderful animal that has a very pretty color. Notice that these animals have a very good coat of hair even though it is very hot in Africa. Their hair is very short, and sparse. They do not have a dense coat of hair like our northern animals.
The animal on the bottom right is a Warthog. They can grow long tusks and can be very mean. It is not safe to be around them.
The large gray animal to the right is an African Eland. This animal is one of the largest animals in Africa. This shoulder mount is roughly the same size as a moose head.
The Oribi below by comparison is a very much smaller animal. The oribi shoulder mount is about the size of a small goat. Whatever, all African animals are very beautiful.
The beautiful animal on the right is a waterbuck. These animals have a coat of short gray hair interwoven with sparse long hairs. This makes them somewhat unique to look at.
I'll leave you with another picture of Chris laboring in the process of mounting a splendid Cape Buffalo. Child labor laws are totally too restricted now a days. I believe in working them hard.... spare the rod, spoil the child.....