you for visiting my taxidermy web site. I would like to invite you to
view some pictures of the wonderful wildlife that I have mounted
over the years, some of which is located inside the wildlife museum which
is located inside my shop in Palmyra, Maine.
I have been doing taxidermy since he was a kid and have operated a commercial taxidermy studio since 1972.
I am a Rated Master Taxidermist and have won many awards for my taxidermy work all over the United States with my work winning in both The US and World Taxidermy Competitions. I only compete in the Master Taxidermy Division of the taxidermy competitions and I do taxidermy work for people from all over the world. Some of the people I have worked for are the top CEO's of many very well know big name companies. I have crated big came for shipment to people in a number of far away countries.
Please be patient with the pictures, I have tried to keep the down load time as short as possible while retaining a decent quality to these pictures.
Please click on any of the links on the left side. They will take you through the various pages of wildlife pictures.
Clicking on the Web Site Home link at the top of the pages will always bring you back to this page.
Much of this web site is made up of pages of mounts that are either on display in my museum or are pictures of taxidermy work that has been done for so many customers over the years. I have tried to keep this site as simpel as possible.
I have added lots of New Pictures this year. Lots of bear mount pictures for example and info on how my mounts are tanned and mounted. This site should now work well with your cell phone, but the best results are with a normal sized computer screen.